Resources written by Chas McCaw for sixth form chemistry teaching and beyond.
General interest:
Graphite Buckminsterfullerene Ice White phosphorus Benzene Cyclohexane AdamantaneCubic:
Sodium Caesium chloride Polonium Copper Halite Fluorite Antifluorite Zinc blende DiamondNon-cubic:
Magnesium WurtziteTetragonal:
Copper(II) sulfateOrthorhombic:
β-SulfurThe central polonium atom shows that its six neighbours lie on the + and − x, y and z axes at an equal distance of the unit cell length away. This is equivalent to the polonium being in the centre of a regular octahedron of its nearest neighbours. This is shown in the image above, in which a black octahedral wireframe is drawn around the neighbouring polonium atoms.